Where have I been?

I often find myself asking the same question. I have been in a period of transition…needless to say, the weblog(s) have suffered. I closed down my company and got a staff job. {shudder} 😉

No, it’s not that bad really. Think steady paycheck. Think benefits. Think regularly home by 6pm. There are some serious positives for working for someone else. Things in my life are settling down a little. Maybe it’s time to get back to the weblog…

…no promises now, but I’m gonna try to be a little more regular with the postings & maybe a new podcast or two (more on that later)…

What’s wrong with dissolves?

So I’ve been sitting on this one for a while, but I wanted to post an open question:

What’s wrong with dissolves?

I have edited for a large number of people and over-whelmingly I have found that there is a universal dislike for dissolves. This strikes me as strange and I just can’t figure out why people can be so opposed to something which is a convention – part of the grammar, in fact, of film & video. Here’s a paraphrased version of a conversation I’ve had on more than one occasion:

Producer: Why did you use a dissolve there?

Me (the editor): Well, I was trying to show (passage of time or change of location or just soften the abrupt change of scene from shot to shot).

Producer: Let’s try something different, dissolves are just so old-school or boring or, this was the best, they’re so been-there-done-that; let’s think up something new!

I don’t know why I’ve run into such dissolve-o-phobia. I want to ask these haters-of-dissolves if they find commas or semi-colons tired or old-school when they write. Do they make up new punctuation marks because they are bored with .’s or ;’s or -‘s ? Dissolves are part of the convention of film making and therefore are a part of the language of the visual medium. I mean no disrespect, but where does this dislike come from? Why are dissolves so misunderstood?

Comments are open on this post so you can submit your response.

Learn how to say “no”

Learning how to say no has got to be one of the hardest lessons to learn. Many folks say “no” simply because they don’t know how to or what it takes to say “yes.” And then there’s the “yes”-ers who say yes even when they have no clue about what they are agreeing to…

…if you learn anything in this biz, learn how to say “no”.

Where have you been?

Sorry for the lapse in posts. I’ve been doing the free-lance thing at a client’s suite and the edit has been very intense, so I haven’t had much time to generate posts. This projects ends this weekend, so maybe I’ll get some time to get things up-to-date around here.

Keep checking back….